Z80 Homebrew, The beginning..

When I was younger, my dad showed me plans in an electronics magazine for a homebrew Z80 computer. School, then University and work have prevented me following this up, however a few recent things have made me want to try this.

The first was seeing these boards on Ebay/Amazon

They have 5 Rows on vertical copper strips, and are wide enough to hold a 40 Pin DIP IC and some support chips. Unfortunately the design only allows 2 rows of chips, without chips sharing a copper strip.

I also found I've somehow acquired 3 Z80 processors, salvaged from scrapped electronics, along with some EPROM and RAM chips.

I also found https://hackaday.io/list/2402-homebrew-computers showing I was not alone in this plan.

There are also a lot of small companies in China now dealing with surplus IC's, many very reasonable prices and suited for this.

So the PCB is here, I have many of the chips I need and the design is started.

More to come.
